Saturday, June 29, 2024

Does Ulcer Pain Come And Go

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Can Peptic Ulcer Disease Be Prevented Or Avoided

Do Stomach Ulcers Go Away On Their Own And What Happens If Left Untreated

Stress and spicy foods dont cause ulcers. However, they can make them worse. Smoking and alcohol can cause a peptic ulcer. Men should limit alcohol to no more than 2 drinks per day. Women should have no more than 1 drink per day. Talk to your doctor if you take aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen regularly.

Do H Pylori Symptoms Come And Go With Food Sleep Or Hormones

Why do H pylori symptoms come and go? I think this is a very important question and one that is worthy of some time and thought.

First, having had H pylori twice myself, and having worked with several thousand people who also had H pylori, theres no doubt in my mind that H pylori symptoms can definitely come and go.

H pylori symptoms like heartburn, acid reflux, belching and bloating can fluctuate during the course of the day and also during the course of, say, a week or even a month.

There are several reasons why H pylori symptoms may come and go, that probably have almost nothing to do with H pylori itself. Lets have a look at these in turn.

Why do H pylori symptoms come and go during the day?

H pylori symptoms at night vs. during the day

When I had H pylori, my symptoms were worse in the morning. This is not the same in everyone and I have worked with people whose symptoms seem to worsen at night.

It is important to understand that your body has a circadian rhythm that is in tune with the light and dark cycles of the planet.

Importantly, your hormone levels and immune function change during the day, and this can influence processes like digestion and inflammation.

Have you ever noticed how when you have a common cold or a sore throat, your symptoms seem to be worse when you wake in the morning and then again as evening progresses?

Stomach ulcer symptoms

Do H pylori symptoms come and go with specific food?

Other Causes Of Peptic Ulcers

  • Genetics: A significant number of individuals with peptic ulcers have close relatives with the same problem, suggesting that genetic factors may be involved.
  • Smoking: People who regularly smoke tobacco are more likely to develop peptic ulcers when compared with non-smokers.
  • Alcohol consumption: Regular heavy drinkers of alcohol have a higher risk of developing peptic ulcers.
  • Corticosteroid use: People on large or chronic doses of corticosteroids are also at greater risk.
  • Mental stress: This stress has not been linked to the development of new peptic ulcers, but symptoms appear to be more severe in people with ulcers who are experiencing ongoing mental stress.

A patientâs description of symptoms will normally cause a doctor to suspect a peptic ulcer.

Tests that can confirm a diagnosis include:

  • a blood test to check for H. pylori, though a positive test does not always mean there is an active infection
  • a breath test, using a radioactive carbon atom to detect H. pylori
  • a stool antigen test to detect H. pylori in the feces
  • an upper gastrointestinal X-ray to identify ulcers

An endoscopy may also be used. This involves a long, narrow tube with a camera attached to the end is threaded down the patientâs throat and into the stomach and duodenum. This is the best diagnostic test.

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How To Suspect Biliary Colic :

  • The waves of pain usually start after eating heavy or fatty meals.
  • The pain starts gradually and builds up over a period of 30-60 minutes per wave.
  • The intensity decreases or goes and comes again with the same pattern.
  • The pain is often very intense.
  • Nausea is very frequent with biliary colics.
  • Vomiting also can occur.
  • The combination of high intensity, relatively longer waves of pain together with nausea is characteristic for biliary colic.

Bleeding Ulcers Symptoms And Causes

How to Soothe Stomach Ulcers Using Natural Remedies

Bleeding ulcers are a big deal. Often having endoscopy is diagnostic and therapeutic. A gastroenterologist can use a fiberoptic camera to view the inside of the stomach and duodenum, searching for a source of bleeding.

Symptoms of a bleeding ulcer include:

  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal discomfort after eating
  • Upper abdominal burning or hunger pain 1 to 3 hours after eating or in the middle of the night

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What Is The Cause Of Peptic Ulcers

When you eat, your stomach produces hydrochloric acid and an enzyme called pepsin to digest the food.

  • The food is partially digested in the stomach and then moves on to the duodenum to continue the process.
  • Peptic ulcers occur when the acid and enzyme overcome the defense mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract and erode the mucosal wall.

In the past it was thought that ulcers were caused by lifestyle factors such as eating habits, cigarettesmoking, and stress.

  • Now it is understood that people with ulcers have an imbalance between acid and pepsin coupled with the digestive tract’s inability to protect itself from these harsh substances.
  • Research done in the 1980s showed that some ulcers are caused by infection with a bacterium named Helicobacter pylori, usually called H pylori.
  • Not everyone who gets an ulcer is infected with H pylori. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause ulcers if taken regularly.

Some types of medical therapy can contribute to ulcer formation. The following factors can weaken the protective mucosal barrier of the stomach increasing the chances of getting an ulcer and slow the healing of existing ulcers.

  • Aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , and newer anti-inflammatory medications
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettesmoking
  • Radiation therapy:-used for diseases such as cancer

People who take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications are at an increased risk even if they do not have H pylori infection.

Living With Peptic Ulcer Disease

Most ulcers heal within about 8 weeks. Peptic ulcers come and go. You have to do what you can to reduce your risk. If you smoke or chew tobacco, ask your doctor about how to quit. Eat a well-balanced diet. Avoid foods that cause discomfort. These include alcohol, coffee, caffeinated soda, fatty foods, chocolate, and spicy foods. Avoid eating late at night. Talk to your doctor about alternatives to NSAIDs. Take all medicines with plenty of water.

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Causes Of Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers occur when the layer that protects the stomach lining from stomach acid breaks down. This means the stomach lining becomes damaged.

This is usually a result of:

It used to be thought that stress or certain foods might cause stomach ulcers, but there’s little evidence to suggest this is the case.

What Is A Peptic Ulcer

How Long Does It Take For A Stomach Ulcer To Heal?

A peptic ulcer peptic is defined as pertaining to, or associated with, digestion is a break in the surface lining of the stomach or duodenum which is deep enough to produce a shallow crater in its wall.

Peptic ulcers are found approximately four times as often in the duodenum than in the stomach, and can also be found, albeit rarely, in the lower esophagus or beyond the duodenum in the small intestine.

Some other facts include:

  • duodenal ulcers are more common in men, whereas gastric ulcers affect men and women more or less equally
  • ulcers are found at all ages but are more common with increasing age
  • ulcers may appear acutely or develop slowly and chronically
  • close to 10% of all adults may suffer from peptic ulcer disease at some time in their lives

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Symptoms Of Peptic Ulcers

Not all peptic ulcers cause symptoms, but the most common one is upper abdominal pain or discomfort. People with peptic ulcers can feel this gnawing or burning pain just below the rib cage.

About 70 percent of ulcers are asymptomatic, or silent, Dr. Yalamanchili says. Older patients are more likely to have vague symptoms or none at all. If there is pain, the timing of its development in relation to eating can offer clues about where the ulcer is located.

With a stomach ulcer, eating worsens pain by inducing acid production in the stomach. Pain may be felt within 15 minutes to half an hour, Dr. Yalamanchili says.

For duodenal ulcers, eating may provide temporary relief of pain due to the buffering effect of food in the GI tract, so the pain occurs later, usually two to three hours after eating or during the night, she says.

Other symptoms of peptic ulcers include bloating, nausea, a feeling of fullness, weight loss or bleeding.

Causes of Peptic Ulcers

H. pylori causes 90 percent of duodenum ulcers and 70 to 90 percent of stomach or gastric ulcers, Dr. Yalamanchili says. H. pylori is the most common chronic bacterial infection in humans, and most people dont even know that they have it.

People are often infected with H. pylori in childhood. It is spread through person-to-person contact and through contaminated food or water. Poor hygiene can be a risk factor for contracting H. pylori.

Tylenol is not an NSAID, so it is a good choice for people prone to ulcers.

What Causes Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers occur when the layer that protects the stomach lining from stomach acid breaks down, which allows the stomach lining to become damaged.

This is usually a result of:

It used to be thought that stress or certain foods might cause stomach ulcers, but there’s little evidence to suggest this is the case.

Read more about the causes of stomach ulcers.

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What Tests May Be Done

  • Gastroscopy is the test that can confirm a duodenal ulcer. In this test a doctor or nurse looks inside your stomach and the first part of your small intestine . They do this by passing a thin, flexible telescope down your gullet . They can see any inflammation or ulcers.
  • A test to detect the H. pylori germ is usually done if you have a duodenal ulcer. If H. pylori is found then it is likely to be the cause of the ulcer. Briefly, it can be detected in a sample of stool , or in a breath test, or from a blood test, or from a biopsy sample taken during an endoscopy. See the separate leaflet called Helicobacter Pylori for more details.

How Are Peptic Ulcers Diagnosed

Natural treatment for stomach ulcers

In most cases the diagnosis is made by endoscopy, at which time the ulcer is usually seen and can be biopsied if it appears suspicious for malignancy. Biopsies of the stomach can also be taken to look for the presence of HP organisms.

A further advantage of endoscopy is that treatment can be carried out at the same time if the ulcer is bleeding. The majority of ulcers can also be diagnosed by careful barium meal examination and this is an alternative for patients who cannot or do not wish to have endoscopy. Because of the ability to take biopsies and perform endoscopic treatment, endoscopy is the preferred method of investigation.

Although biopsies of the stomach are the “gold standard” for diagnosing HP infection, it is possible to diagnose the infection by using a simple breath test. A number of blood tests for the infection are also available but these are less accurate.

Routine blood tests are usually normal in patients with ulcers apart from those where bleeding has resulted in anemia.

An internal image of a gastric ulcer.

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Will Surgery Cure A Peptic Ulcer

Medical therapy works in most people with peptic ulcers. Sometimes, medical therapy does not work, or a person can’t take the therapy for some reason. Surgery is an alternative to medical therapy for these people.

Surgical operations often used in peptic ulcers include the following:

  • Vagotomy: Cutting the vagus nerve, which transmits messages from the brain to the stomach, can reduce acid secretion. However, this can also interfere with other functions of the stomach. A newer operation cuts only the part of the nerve that affects acid secretion.
  • Antrectomy: This is often done in conjunction with a vagotomy. It involves removing the lower part of the stomach . This part of the stomach produces a hormone that increases production of stomach acid. Adjacent parts of the stomach may also be removed.
  • Pyloroplasty: This procedure also is sometimes done with vagotomy. It enlarges the opening between the stomach and duodenum to encourage passage of partially digested food. Once the food has passed, acid production normally stops.
  • Tying off an artery: If bleeding is a problem, cutting off the blood supply to the ulcer can stop the bleeding.

When To See The Doctor

Peptic ulcers will get worse if theyre not treated, so contact your doctor if you have symptoms or any signs that you could have one. Unfortunately, a lot of the time the way people find out they have an ulcer is by developing bleedstheyre taking a lot of aspirin or NSAIDS and they either start vomiting blood or have black tarry stool, says Marcus.

Your doctor may be able to diagnose a peptic ulcer by talking with you about your symptoms. Be sure to disclose the frequency of NSAID use.

However, some tests are usually used to confirm the diagnosis. For instance, to see if you have an H. pylori infection, your doctor will test your blood, breath or stool. They may also look inside your stomach and duodenum by doing an endoscopy or X-ray. An endoscopy is a procedure where a lighted tube is inserted through the throat and into the stomach to check for abnormalities.

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Is There A Peptic Ulcer Diet Plan

No particular diet is helpful for people with peptic ulcers. At one time, a bland diet and avoidance of spicy or greasy foods was recommended. Milk and dairy food have been used in the past for ulcer symptoms, but have not been proven to be effective. We now know diet has little effect on ulcers. In some people, however, certain foods seem to aggravate stomach ulcer symptoms. Keep a food diary with your intake and the resulting symptoms and avoid eating any foods that aggravate symptoms.

How Can I Be Sure Its An Ulcer

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The only way to be sure an ulcer is causing your discomfort is with a medical diagnosis. We will evaluate your medical history and conduct a thorough physical examination.

To determine the root cause of your ulcer, we may run blood, stool, or breath tests. These tests are designed to look for signs of helicobacter pylori, the bacteria linked to ulcers.

Depending on your unique symptoms, we may also order an endoscopy. During an endoscopy, we insert a tube with a tiny camera down your throat and into your stomach to take pictures of any potential damage and collect tissue samples for analysis.

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Be Honest: How Dangerous Is Stomach Inflammation

Dr. Lee says only a small percentage progress into serious complications from chronic gastritis. These include different types of gastric cancers, peptic ulcer diseases that cause intestinal perforation, which can then lead to and possibly death.

In the majority of gastritis cases, with the right combination of treatments and lifestyle modifications, resolve themselves without any severe consequences.

My best advice is to pay attention to your body. If youve been living with on-again, off-again pain for more than couple of weeks, or youre experiencing unexplained weight loss, bleeding, or any new symptoms that fail to improve or resolve completely, its probably time to see a doctor, says Dr. Lee.

Talk to your doctor about your symptoms so you get the right type of evaluation. This will make sure you receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcers

Although the most common symptom of a stomach ulcer is a burning or gnawing pain in the centre of the abdomen . Not all stomach ulcers are painful.

Some people experience:

Speak to your GP immediately if:

  • your symptoms persist
  • you’re vomiting blood the blood can appear bright red or have a dark brown, grainy appearance like coffee grounds
  • you’re passing dark, sticky, tar-like stools
  • you feel a sudden, sharp pain in your tummy that gets steadily worse

These could be a sign of a serious complication.

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What Causes A Peptic Ulcer

Causes of peptic ulcers include

Sometimes peptic ulcers are caused by both NSAIDs and H. pylori.

What Are The Symptoms Of An Ulcer

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An ulcer may or may not have symptoms. The most common symptom for both duodenal and gastric ulcers is abdominal discomfort. Upper middle stomach pain is typically felt anywhere between the navel and the breastbone, and is usually characterized as a dull, gnawing, or burning pain. The symptoms tend to occur when the stomach is empty which explains pain on an empty stomach and during the night. The symptoms may be briefly relieved by eating some food, or antacids. Ulcer symptoms including upper middle stomach pain can come and go and can be confused for pancreatitis, so check through those symptoms also, or they can last for several days or even weeks.

Other symptoms may include:

More severe cases of ulcers, the symptoms can include:

  • Weight loss
  • Dark or black stool
  • Severe pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting blood

If you have any of the following symptoms, call a doctor immediately! These symptoms could be a sign of a serious problem, such as internal bleeding, perforation of the ulcer through the stomach wall, or obstruction :

  • Bloody, black stools
  • Sharp, sudden, persistent, and severe stomach pain
  • Bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds

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